Customer Testimonials

Thank you...

"Thank you so much for creating our rings. We are enjoying wearing them. I'm presuming you also made the earrings given to me-very talented!"

"Kia Orana, Mark. I would just like to say Meitaki Maata (thank you) very much for doing my pendant. For delivering it on time, and for safely securing it. Its really beautiful & I love it, you have done a great job & for that I’m grateful. I know my partner will love it as well. Words cannot express my gratitude."

"Dear Mark, R’s ring is wonderful-kind regards"

"Mark, thank you so much for your exquisite work-we were both rapt…there were many comments on how stunning it was."

"Many thanks on the excellent remodeling of my rings. I'm delighted with the results."

"Dear Mark Just a small note to say thanks for doing a beautiful job of our engagement ring and wedding bands. We were grateful you were able to turn them around so quickly. We were particulaly impressed with how clear and elegant the engraving is on the thin wedding band."

"I have been meaning to give you a call or email to thank you for the ring you made, It was a perfect fit, she loves it and will turn the car around to get it if she has forgotten to put it on in the morning.. I have given your name and number to a friend who is looking for a ring."

"Thank you for meeting us on Friday, it was great to meet you and see what you can do for us. Very exciting thinking about all the different designs we could come up with. I checked out your amazing work on your website. WOW."

"Thank you for bringing the rings out to me on Friday, they look and feel fantastic. I have just given the last ring to one of the guys and he was very happy."

"It was lovely to meet you tonight, and I'd like to thank you for your great service."

"Just to let you know that the ring arrived safely on Saturday morning and that I am very pleased with it. Thank you very much for your lovely work."





Copyright Mark Sokolich Design